The Ultimate Guide to Managing Smaller Voluntary Teams

Offering a rewarding and engaging volunteer experience requires an understanding of your volunteers’ motivations and expectations. Those who are bored, frustrated and feeling under-valued may drift away, leaving them unfulfilled, meanwhile precious time invested in recruitment, onboarding and training may feel wasted.

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Our guide will take you through some of the practical steps you can take to manage volunteers efficiently and effectively. With insights from across the charities sector, we’ll explain how organisations can create a ‘digital difference’ by using technology to reduce arduous admin for both staff and volunteers, and deliver positive experience and outcomes.

“We’ve started using the events feature within Assemble to support and record this activity. They are simple to set up and we can easily invite and track attendees as well as volunteer contributions for anything formal. It’s been helpful to add this data to our reports as we can get a broader view of where our volunteers are having an impact.”
Catherine Rose, Volunteering Manager, Letchworth Garden City Heritage Foundation
“We operate in a highly-regulated sector, and the system allows us to manage everything from training to driving licences and insurance. More than that, it allows us to share stories and best practices, and connect volunteers both to the organisation and each other. ”
Catherine Semmence, Head of Volunteering, The Orders of St John Care Trust (OSJCT)
“Having one very streamlined application process has made it a lot easier for volunteers. It’s really clear what we’re asking you for, when we’re asking you for it, and why. Not only are we able to recruit more volunteers for things that we’ve done historically, but we’re also now able to open up volunteer opportunities to new parts of the charity and to bring new people into the organisation.”
Andy Broomhead, Head of Volunteering, Diabetes UK
“Using the Events feature has been great for both our staff and our volunteers. It gives volunteers the freedom and control to sign up for events/training when it’s most convenient, whilst our staff can easily create and send invites, with the ability to connect an event to a specific training module. The automated email functionality also ensures volunteers are receiving regular reminders about forthcoming events.”
Kelly Marlow, Cardiff and Vale University Health Board